Beau, John, and Digby Geste are three inseparable, adventurous brothers who have been adopted into the wealthy household of Lady Brandon. When money in the upper-crust household grows tight, Lady Bran...
Leah, 10, lives in a large vicarage, full of lost souls and the needy. In the day the house is bustling with people; at night it is dark, empty, a space for Leah's nightmares to creep into. A smal...
HBO Max宣布预订DC旗下Vertigo漫画《DMZ非军事区 DMZ》的改编剧试映集,由《当他们瞧见我们时 When They See Us》的Ava DuVernay负责执导。 这部预定20年上半年拍摄的试映集,讲述不久的将来曼哈顿在美国内战下成为非军事区,这个地方因战火而惨遭蹂躏并与外界隔绝;而主角是一名女军医,她一边找寻失踪的儿子,一边拯救不同的生命,并且周旋于帮派﹑民兵﹑军阀及煽动...
For some, the Western trail was a destination for oppurtunity and adventure. For others, it was the centerpiece for danger and despair. When ex-lawman Preston Biggs is hired to escort a group of wom...
脸上带着长长伤疤的约拿·哈克斯(乔什·布洛林 Josh Brolin 饰)是个神秘的赏金猎人、卓越的枪手,还有着与死亡世界交流的超能力,有个叫赖莉的妓女(梅根·福克斯 Megan Fox 饰)一直爱着他,是他和人类社会最主要的联系。恰逢一个名叫昆丁·特恩布尔的巫毒术士(约翰·马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰)召集了一支死亡大军,想要在自己一百岁生日那天毁灭美国,约拿·哈克斯被政府授...